Monday, January 10, 2011

The Purpose of Prayer 

Some people think that prayer is a personal wish maker that you turn on and off. Others see it as something reserved only for those big emergencies. Still others think that the more people praying on an issue the more likely they are to get their way with God. Even though the prayer of a single righteous man is very powerful and effective (James 5:16).On the far end are those who believe in the sovereignty of God so much that they see no need to pray, “God will do what God will do” – so they ignore the command to pray (Ephesians 6:18).

So then what is the purpose of prayer?

God wants us to pour out our hearts before his throne. He cares for our needs, struggles, pain and desires. He wants us to do the same for others and bring those to him as well. He even brings things into our lives that will drive us to our knees, drive us closer to His heart. As He answers our prayers in His timing and His way - He wants to hear our joy and praises as well.

So again why pray?

1. We need it. Quite frankly we cannot live in this world of pain and sorrow apart from a vibrant relationship to God. How can we know Him if we don’t commune with Him. It is or pathway of communication, blessing and understanding.

2. We were never meant to be self sufficient and self serving. We are to be involved in the lives of others. Helping to bear their burdens. Praying for them in their situation, for another’s salvation, for understanding, and peace.

3. We are commanded to do so for our own good. God wants us involved with what He is doing in our midst. To see faith turned into reality (John 11:40). It connects us with the lives of other believers nearby and far away. More involvement in prayer means more people are involved in praise. We get to share more in God’s work.

4. As we commune with God our thoughts become more like His. We pray in concert with His will not for our own selfish motives.

So what is the purpose of prayer? It is to conform our thoughts, concerns, and desires into becoming more and more align with those of Christ. It is so that we and others may give more praise, honor and glory to God as we see Him move in our midst. May God conform and transform us so that we may be vessels of mercy that may minister to the saints and the lost.

2 Corinthians 4:7 But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.

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