Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Life Set Apart by Repentance

Mark 6:14King Herod heard about this, for Jesus' name had become well known. Some were saying, "John the Baptist has been raised from the dead, and that is why miraculous powers are at work in him." 15Others said, "He is Elijah." And still others claimed, "He is a prophet, like one of the prophets of long ago." 16But when Herod heard this, he said, "John, the man I beheaded, has been raised from the dead!"

A believer, a disciple, a repenter - These terms are synonymous in describing a true Christian. One who has been born again and saved through the sole work of Christ.

In Matthew chapter 4 verse 17 we find this statement:
From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

Consider this as the mission statement of Jesus Christ The Messiah. This was His message to a lost and dying world. This is the message that comes to the sinner. Without repentance their will be found no salvation.

The word “REPENT” is missing from the church (in general not specific) today. At a recent concert the lead singer proclaim the vastness of God’s love to the audience. But there was a word missing - repentance. I have researched this particular band and found that the idea of repentance and sin is indeed in their songs and ministry – but during this event seemed to be left out. I will not judge the messengers heart-this may have been just what one there needed to hear from God. We tend to still focus on God’s love in evangelism without addressing God’s holiness and our utter wretched sinfulness. Let us not omit the “R” word.

This is inconsistent to the message that Christ brought to this earth. It is indeed a message of hope, love and deliverance, but if one just tries to add Christ to their lives that is not biblical salvation. A verse in Colossians puts it this way:

Colossians 3:4 When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.

When Christ who is our life – not when Christ who is part of our lives. We cannot afford to fail to convey to someone their lostness and utter inability to save themselves. The message of repentance has been left out of the pulpit and out of evangelism – even more disparaging out of the life of professing believers. This has produced pews full of those who profess to know Christ when they live lives that are a walking contradiction to their claim.

The life of one who names the name of Christ should above all things be marked by being filled up with repentance. Those who understand their wicked core and inability to live holy apart from the work of Christ will be lives marked by repentance. They will seek to die to selfishness, the desires of God will become their own, they will learn to love Christ’s ways more than their own way. Scripture could not be clearer that the life of the believer is to be marked by obedience to a Holy Lord.

Luke 6:46"Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say?

We have entered into a state of easy-believeism. This is directly related to a low view of God’s holiness. We are to walk in a manner consistent with “Who Christ Is!”Join with Christ we are to live a life of dying to sin, a life of yearning for holiness and a life of repentance. The way in which we run hard after these things is by living a life of repentance. We turn from sin, and we do righteousness. We confess our sins, not to avoid the wrath of God – this was dealt with at the cross-, but because our loving heavenly Father hates sin. We are forgiven of all our sins, we have union with Christ, and the way in which we grow in Christ toward holiness is by living lives of humble submission to his way not our own.

So why that particular verse at the beginning? Our message is the same to all sinners – of whom we were once ourselves. The message will inevitable be rejected by some, misunderstood by others, held in high esteem by more, and embrace by a few.

Herod loved to listen to John the Baptist. He acknowledged he was from God. He was even distressed at killing him. Yet he loved his sin more. But the message haunted him. The message that brings life he hated. Yet sin became all the more strong, as he later killed James and then sought to murder Peter.

Let us not fail to preach the whole counsel of God. Forgiveness-Yes. Love-Yes. But do not omit Repentance and impending judgment. Do not have the blood of men on your hands so as to ease the message and avoid rejection.

Christ was rejected and persecuted-even unto death. If you belong to Him do not expect to be treated any differently as you hold out the words of life.


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