Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Elders: Equals or 1st Among Equals

The idea of elders leading out among those that gather together as the church is not an idea of man but of God. The scriptures teach us that elders are to rule and watch over the local flock. What does God have in mind when it comes to ruling?

Mark9:35 Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, "If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all."

God’s design of ruling is to be a servant. We are to put the good of others before one’s self. This applies not only to the elder but to all believers. We are to serve in a way that we honor and glorify Christ.

Many times we call the elders the “ministers”. This is a great misnomer. Elders are responsible to equip the flock for ministry, help them lead each other into maturity, teach and apply the Word and are accountable to God for their oversight. They are to exercise their care of the flock after the servant-pattern of Christ. The flock is to be the ministers as equipped by those so gifted.
(Acts 20:28; Heb. 13:17; Eph. 4:11-12; 1 Thess. 5:12; 1 Pet. 5:1-3)

The elder is the one who is doing the work of an elder because God has called him to that not man. Whether or not man recognizes it does not change the reality of it.
It is the ordination of God and not the ordination of man that matters. The church is simply to recognize what God has already done. Too many men in the evangelical church have called themselves to the work and pay of an elder - not God.

Leaders that wish to be called pastor should reflect upon Matthew 23:8-10. If this is to be our practice then we should refer to some as brother encourager, brother giver, sister hospitality. Christ set us an example to follow. He was God in the flesh and yet He submitted Himself to an equal authority, the Father. As well He submitted Himself to lesser authority, His parents and the government. We are to submit ourselves to one another in the fear of God. We must not set any person or position higher than that which we give to every fellow believer. We must guard against that which leads to pride.

Shall we have just one elder or a plurality of elders? I believe that the Bible teaches a plurality of elders and there is no precedence to put off implementing what God's word teaches.
Paul had elders (plural) appointed where there were none. No where do we find the case for a one man show. There is great danger in one elder leading. A lack of accountability. A tendency toward pride. A desire to maintain power and control. It could lead to the following a man and not Christ.

Shall we have a head elder, one more equal than the rest? Looking back at Mark 9:35 that view must be eliminated. All elders must be equal but each one should lead out where they are most gifted by God.
The elders must be willing to come together and honestly and openly examine each item before the church by the word of God. They must fast and pray until they come to a consensus. That consensus should then be brought before the church. And the church should follow after Christ.
Christ is the only head of the church - not a man. He is the sole authority and the final authority. We must have godly men serving the one true God to bringing glory and honor to Him through His body the church.

There can be no single self sufficient elder. There can be no elder more equal than the others. It is not about power or prestige, but it is about our Lord and Savior – Jesus Christ.
The elders are to rule and serve, but only according to the wisdom of God, not according to the dictates or desires of man.

(These were a few thoughts I had on elders. We are currently dealing with some issues akin to this at the church we attend. They maybe a bit out of order and incomplete, but may perhaps be useful to some.)

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