Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Love in the Church

There is a serious undercurrent flowing through most “churches” (I will examine what scripture says the church really is later) today. It isn’t spoken about or even acknowledged as being a problem in most places. Yet it is given lip service and programs, but there is no heart in it. This item is of the utmost importance to those who would follow Christ with their whole heart.

I am talking about loving one another.

34"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 35"By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." John 13:34-35

Most people that call themselves by the name of Christ do not seem to have time for the brethren - even within their own congregations. People travel to the church building – take in a message or two and some songs – rush back to their own little worlds, having little or no time for others.

Why does the “church” need to publish a prayer request list? It is most people are unconcerned and uninvolved in the each other’s life. If they were the members of the body would know and be ministering to those needs. These burdens would be shared and known by someone other than "church" staff members (I will go more into that in the future).

I have heard it said recently, “Isn’t it amazing how most people can only love those who are as lovely as themselves.” So many congregations and denominations think that they have the ONLY doctrine or version or gifting, while all along missing the heart of Christ’s command to love the brethren. These individuals and groups have a tendency to look upon others with different veiws as lesser, inferior “Christians” or even as unsaved.

I am not speaking of ecumenicalism where any belief is as good as another (many ways to heaven approach). No, there is only one true salvation. It is found only in Christ through faith. What Bible version a person uses is not essential to salvation – nor is the method of baptism – or how often communion is observed - whether wine or grape juice is used. I certainly have my thoughts on each of these areas, but we must allow others to have their’s thoughts as well. We can discuss these differences while not shunning those that think differently. Each of us should diligently search scripture for a proper understanding of God’s commands and conform to His word as He gives us understanding to apply scriptural truthes to our lives.

We worry so much about these details of doctrines while we fail to OBEY what we already KNOW to do!

I must also take a look at myself. Have I shown true love the brethren? Have I been harsh and legalistic? Surely as a live I have been found guilty in my heart, at various times, of each of these. Please take the time to examine your own heart.

If each one of us truly has a heart that desires more than anything else to please God, then even in those areas where we disagree will eventually be set right. In the meantime let us give each other the freedom in Christ to grow and mature while not lacking in spurring one another on in the faith. Let us love in humility and take care to ensure we have pure motives.

One last thought about love – Love is giving someone what they need – not necessarily what they want.

(Next time I will share my thoughts on what the church is and what it is not)

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