Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Learning to Listen (Part III)

Well after taking a bit of a break in this tale it is time to get back to it.  We leave from the town in New Mexico and proceed to Colorado Springs, Colorado. Upon arriving there we head over the Air Force Academy base MWR (Morale Welfare and Recreation) to rent a camper and find a nice campground.  Well all of their campers were rented out and all of the campsites were full.  This wasn’t going well at this point.  We did bring our own camping gear so it wasn’t a total failure.  We proceeded to check out the available campgrounds in the local area.  The local KOA had people right under each others armpits so that one was ruled out rather quickly.  Then we began the process of elimination.  Some were to expensive, some were full and then we stumbled on to a beautiful remote area.  We are talking one port-a-potty and a water buffalo (portable water tank on a trailer).  The river running by the place was gorgeous so we got out and checked it out for a bit.  This area was beautiful but at the same time very creepy, I just had no peace about it so we left (at least I had learned to listen a little bit by now).  It began to rain on our way back to town.  It was getting dark and we still needed a place to stay.  After looking around at several hotels we finally found one that was nice and reasonably priced, God had more mercy on us.  Now the boys were very tired and hungry so we headed to a nearby golden arches with a indoor playground.  Now these were very new and infrequent to find.  So the boys got really excited.  We went in got our food and the lock the playground up.  That was the last straw for Samuel, he became hysterical and began uncontrollable crying.  The poor worker that just locked the door was the center of all his attention.  She didn’t know what to do or say, but then she unlocked the door and told the boys they had 10 minutes.  We thanked her and briefly explained our adventure up to this point, she seemed to understand a little bit.  Well we got everybody fed and went to sleep wondering what lay ahead for us tomorrow.  All the while I was thinking it couldn’t get any worse, boy was I wrong.


I want to end with a funny story that occurred shortly after we found a camping area.  There was a young boy that rode his bike up a large hill and an older man took the bike and rode it back down the hill past us.  Well Samuel being very observant assumed the man had forceful taken the bike from the younger lad.  So as he rode by us Samuel said very loudly “THAT MAN IS UGLY!”  That man had such a horrified look on his face.  He never said a word but must have thought something like this; “I know I am no longer young and have a few miles on me but am I really that repulsive?”.  Well I guess the meaning is all the context and your perspective.

1 Peter 3:8 To sum up, all of you be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted, and humble in spirit; 9 not returning evil for evil or insult for insult, but giving a blessing instead; for you were called for the very purpose that you might inherit a blessing.

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