Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Pew and the Pulpit

Most of us think of church in this context.  The place were people gather that call themselves Christians for the purpose of singing songs to and about God and listen to a preacher give a sermon.  Its in this context of church that I want to consider a few key elements.

People gather weekly on Sundays around the country in various church buildings, some grand cathedrals, some simple school buildings.  People sitting or standing for the express purpose to practice their religious beliefs.  I say it this way for a reason, not everyone comes to these place for what we know as biblical Christianity.  For some it is a social gathering, for others a social responsibility, others out of curiosity, still for others it is out of some idea that they have of God (possibly a god that looks nothing like what He has declared Himself to be in His Word – but rather a god of their own making).  There are some (very few I suspect) who come for the the express reason to worship the God of the bible, as He has declared Himself, to fellowship with other true believers and to be fed on the Word of God.  It is the other cases that I want to ponder here for a few minutes.

What do they get when they come?  What are there expectations?  Maybe it is for business purposes, to gain more contacts.  It could be to ease their conscience for a little while.  It may be that they were simply raised that it is the right thing to do.  Perhaps they hope to be entertained for a while and receive a practical word of encouragement – minus any conviction.  Really what they receive when they come is more a function of what is presented than what they are willing to accept.  Now what they do with what they receive is a whole other discussion.(Luke 8:4-15).

So what the pew receives is effected by what is presented from the pulpit.  What does the preacher or teacher bring to the meeting?  Why are they preaching or teaching?  Is it a passion and gifting of God?  Is it a respectable and safe way to make a living?  Motivation of the pulpit is everything.  Whether someone has been called by God or have they simply called themselves makes all the difference.  Is there power from the Holy Spirit from a life consumed to glorify God or a natural orator seeking his own way and glory.

In Acts 20:27 Paul declares that he has declared “the whole purpose (counsel) of God”.  He did not shrink back.  he was not afraid or ashamed of the whole gospel of Christ.  He taught salvation that comes from a broken and repentant heart, that results in a changed life that seeks to know and obey God  more and more, no matter the cost, no matter what others do and to be a witness to other of what Jesus has done in their lives – not a walking contradiction , but walking sanctification.  That is the message that God delivered to the church, the message hasn’t changed.  It speaks all through scripture about God, Jesus, the Spirit and what obedience looks like, the purpose and plan of God for all eternity.  So what does the preacher/teacher share?

If the message is preached – what do those in the pew do with what they have heard.  Does it come in one ear and go out the other?  Does it cause conviction over sins hidden and stored away?  Does it comfort one who is obedient?  Does it encourage the faithful to continue on and the unfaithful to be broken and cut to the core?

Or does it simply make you feel good about yourself.  One preacher I know once put it this way.  The modern day church and preacher are like a mall merry-go-round.  For a little bit of money and time you get on the ride.  You feel like you’re going somewhere.  Maybe a little challenged if you dare ride one of the horse that goes up and down.  But after a short time the ride is over and the people get off right where they started unchanged.

In Hebrews 4: 3 it is put this way “but the word they heard did not profit them, because it was not united by faith in those who heard”.  The lesson here is simple.  People must first hear the whole counsel of the word of God.  Secondly and most importantly those that hear the message must believe – a Faith that is tied with Action. 

What you truly believe is not a function of what you say, but rather is exposed by what you do.

What does your life reveal about what you believe?

Are you a walking contradiction or a soul of consistent sanctification?

You are responsible for the light of God you have been given.  you will answer to Him one day.

  And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a a rewarder of those who seek Him. Hebrews 11:6
