Monday, July 16, 2007

Discouragement of the Flesh
Encouragement of the Spirit

Recently we received a letter from a friend of admonishing us in various areas. Some of the admonishment was needed – others seemed unfounded. Some given by the Spirit, but yet others seemed to be in the humanness of the flesh - really their definition (method) was unfounded in scripture. I have to wonder if I have done the same in the past to others unaware of my own lack of love in doing so. The Lord had recently shown one of these items that was brought up. specifically the lack of consistency in disciplining some of our children (some times we don't quite see what we are doing - even when we know what to do). These things should be brought out in a loving, humble manner.

One was in particular very hurtful to both of us. It seemed to leave a crushing hopeless blow. It was said of us that we could never pass a home-study for adoption. We just had too much junk and didn’t keep the place clean enough. Now we don’t have a dirt - dust free home because we do live here. This is a home not a museum. To help understand the magnitude of this hurt it may help to know our hearts. It has been our heart to adopt a special needs child, but only in God’s timing and is His way. Was what they said true? I didn’t believe so – but yet I pondered over the matter. It just hurt. We still love these friends, but I think a few things must be gone over in love and covered in the word.

But God – (that is may favorite saying of the Lord) He had different plans. Not but a day later we received a card with a very generous amount of money from some dear friends that know our heart and desire to adoption. They wanted to bless us and help in paying for our home-study. In a time of what seemed to be deep sadness the Lord turned into an overcoming blessing and encouragement. God had gone before us and made an answer clear. Even before the admonishment was in the mail - the other card had been sent on its way from California. Don't worry about what others may do or say, but seek the Lord and discern His way.

Oh how good and blessed the Lord has been to us and always is.

Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why have you become disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him, The help of my countenance and my God. Psalm 42:11