Tuesday, December 04, 2012

The Why

Many people haven’t been so thrilled with the outcome of November 6th.  Why did their candidate loose?  What does it all mean?  I have my own opinions and thoughts on the matter but that has nothing to really do with the answer.  I am not really going to address the Why so much as the What.  So many “Christian” people seem to put all of their hope in the political/economic systems of this world.  With that point of view comes much worry, stress and anxiety. 

Neither the democrats or republicans can save this country, nor can they send it to hell.  It is the people of this country that are charting the course we are following.  We are following the way of the world which is contrary to the way of God.  It is a heart that seeks to fulfill self gratification and greed.  Hearts seeking their own way not God’s way.  Well I guess I did sort of answer the Why.  But how about the What.

The What is the reason followers of Jesus Christ have been left in this world.  It isn’t about comfort, finances, health, prosperity or self actualization.  The What is the thing God has left you and I here to accomplish – His way.  The church has spent so much time trying to follow and ride on the trends and fashions of the world they have lost their true message.  It is much the same reason there is so little difference between the candidates/parties.  The republicans have been trying so hard to give as much as the democrats, to tax and spend, to pander to special interest they have lost their true message.  You can never out do the other guy at what they excel at doing.  There has to be a stark contrast.  If the republicans want to garner support they have to stand for conservative values and offer a clear choice.  They still may not win elections if the majority of people have shifted to thinking more liberal, but at least they will stand for what they say they believe in.  It is the same for the church – this is the real point I want to get to.

The church has become so much like the world people just don’t see that much difference.  There should be a stark contrast between what the people of church believe and practice and what is seen in the world around us.  We much like the political parties have lost our foundational principles to try and draw in more people.  It is a thing called SALT and LIGHT in scripture.  The gospel has never been popular, rarely has it been without a high cost both to preach and to follow.  Why should we think a different message or approach would work better than the simple pure gospel that God has ordained to reach and save the lost.

The church has become weaker and more ineffective the more it has tried to conform to this world’s trends and ways.  It is time we start living what we say we believe and believing what God has declared.  We may not be popular with people but we will be pleasing to God.  Let the love of God’s mercy and grace in your life over flow and touch the lives of the lost and hurting.  Share the gospel, be a living message of love.


1 Thessalonians 3:11 Now may our God and Father Himself and Jesus our Lord direct our way to you; 12 and may the Lord cause you to increase and abound in love for one another, and for all people, just as we also do for you; 13 so that He may establish your hearts without blame in holiness before our God  and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all His saints.